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Psychotherapy Services

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Individual Psychotherapy

Short-term Therapy

Some clients need objective assistance and new skills to cope with a pressing issue. Examples include: divorce, infidelity, the death of a loved one, problems with children and adolescents, substance abuse, physical or emotional illness or change in employment. Short-term therapy tends to be very focused and the necessary steps become clear after a meeting or two. Dr. Franklin listens objectively, helps clients define their goals, and teaches them the tools and techniques that they need for success. Compassion, understanding, acceptance, support and encouragement are essential components of any effective therapeutic process. Therapy continues during the client’s implementation of the recommended steps. Therapy duration is determined by the depth and complexity of the issue and the client’s abilities, motivation and follow-through.

In-depth Therapy — Character Development & Growth

Other clients may not be experiencing an immediate challenge, but are looking to improve the quality of their life experience. They may be seeking greater enjoyment in their lives, increased personal effectiveness, more meaningful and satisfying relationships, deeper self-understanding and/or greater compassion. These clients seek to create significant and lasting change in how they approach and experience life. In-depth therapy facilitates them in changing the fundamental basis of their entrenched problematic thoughts, feelings and behaviors so that they will not re-occur. Common outcomes are shame reduction, increased self-esteem, self regulation, effective emotional self-protection, improved communications skills and deeper insight into the client’s personality and into the personalities of the significant people in their lives.

In treating individuals, Dr. Franklin utilizes multiple treatment modalities including: Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Object Relations Theory, Pia Melody’s work on Codependence, Richard Schwartz’ Internal Family Systems Therapy, EMDR and Stephen Wolinsky’s dismantling of Identity Trance States.

Trauma Recovery

Eye Movement Desensitization Retraining (EMDR) is an effective technique in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and deep-seated fears. When an individual experiences a trauma, the experience can keep reoccurring in their dreams or in their everyday life in response to environmental triggers (e.g. a specific sight, sound, and/or smell) that reminds the individual of the traumatic event. The PTSD sufferer continues to experience the trauma as if it were actually happening in present time. EMDR is an effective and efficient tool for eliminating or mitigating these impacts. EMDR can take between three to ten sessions to achieve resolution during which time the client gains a gradual desensitization to the traumatic triggers.

Dr. Franklin has successfully used this technique with many clients and has trained with the EMDR Institute including the Level I, Level II, Level III, Advanced Clinical Applications of EMDR to Addictive Behaviors and EMDR Applications for Pain Management.