Monday & Wednesday: Zoom appointments only 10am to 5pm 

Tuesday & Thursday: 10a to 5p in person or Zoom, 

Make an appointment by calling Dr. Franklin’s work number: (831) 335-8206.

Dr. Franklin will answer additional question you might have regarding her practice.

6214 Highway 9, Felton, CA 95018. 

My office fronts on Highway 9, just down from Wild Roots.

From Santa Cruz…

Take Graham Hill Road into Felton,
Turn Left at the light onto Highway 9,
Go down about two blocks on Highway 9 and turn
Left either to park in front of the building or you may park behind by taking the gravel driveway to the back

From Highway 17 and Scotts Valley…

Exit highway 17 at Mount Hermon Road Exit.
Continue on Mount Hermon Road through Scotts Valley, less than four miles,
Turn right at the light onto Graham Hill Road, turn
Left at the light onto Highway 9,
Left either to park in front of the building or you may park behind by taking the gravel driveway to the back

You may park where the signs say “Doctor’s Parking”