Therapy Benefits

Dr. Franklin has helped her clients…

Have Improved Quality of Life

Have More Loving and Supportive Families

  • Thrive while parenting adolescents,
  • Successfully parent children with special needs,
  • Master effective methods for raising challenging children,
  • Resolve conflict and value differences between family generations.
  • Mitigate and recover from the death of a partner or loved one,
  • Successfully navigate a change in career,
  • Adapt to and accept changes in one’s physical health.

Recover From Addiction

  • Recover from addictions including alcohol, drugs, work, television, internet, exercise, food, sex, and others by learning more life-sustaining ways to self-care. (Addictions are often ways in which people unsuccessfully attempt to self-care).

Dr. Franklin is extraordinarily qualified to provide valuable assistance in all of these areas not only because of her education, training and certifications, and extensive work experience (see Resume), but also through her personal life experiences.